Arts & Communication Magnet Academy
Opens August 2021
$39,432,600 Budget
75,000 sq. ft.
725 Student Capacity
Construction Photos
March/April 2021 - ACMA northwest plaza with new landscaping.
March/April 2021 - Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA).
March/April 2021 - ACMA aerial looking northwest.
March/April 2021 - New furniture being delivered at ACMA.
March/April 2021 - New irrigation and landscaping at ACMA.
February 2021 - Looking at the exterior of dance rooms at ACMA.
February 2021 - Aerial looking northeast at ACMA.
February 2021 - Art room signage at ACMA.
February 2021 - Polished concrete stairway in commons area at ACMA.
February 2021 - Main entry vestibule at ACMA.
December 2020/January 2021 - Room labels on the design wing at ACMA.
December 2020/January 2021 - Breakout space accent wall at ACMA.
December 2020/January 2021 - Display shelves and north ramp to music wing at ACMA.
December 2020/January 2021 - Sound wave wall installation at ACMA.
December 2020/January 2021 - Aerial of the ACMA site.
November 2020 - Aerial looking north and west at ACMA.
November 2020 - Storage cabinets for the dance program at ACMA.
November 2020 - Music room instrument storage at ACMA.
November 2020 - New landscaping going in at ACMA.
November 2020 - ACMA's new dance room with lighting.
October 2020 - Career center carpet and casework at ACMA.
October 2020 - Commons and polished concrete at ACMA.
October 2020 - Aerial top-down view of ACMA.
October 2020 - Science classroom casework and epoxy counters at ACMA.
October 2020 - Hallway display cases at ACMA.
September 2020 - Aerial looking northeast at ACMA.
September 2020 - Mailboxes and carpeting being installed at ACMA.
September 2020 - Reflective exterior metal brick panels at ACMA.
September 2020 - Painting entry hallway at ACMA.
September 2020 - Beginning casework installation at ACMA.
September 2020 - Cement entryway sidewalks being placed at ACMA.
August 2020 - Plumbing and duct work within the walls at ACMA.
August 2020 - Aerial looking southeast towards new masonry at ACMA.
August 2020 - ACMA brick skittling.
August 2020 - View of raceways and HVAC system at ACMA.
August 2020 - Second floor looking down into the commons area at ACMA.
August 2020 - Aerial looking northwest showing new pickup-drop off flow at ACMA.
July 2020 - Green background screen in the film room at ACMA.
July 2020 - Installing white reflective sun shades to the exterior of the building at ACMA.
July 2020 - ACMA name in brick.
July 2020 - Aerial view looking southwest at ACMA.
July 2020 - Installing fiberboard wall panels at ACMA.
June 2020 - Windows installed in the front of the school at ACMA.
June 2020 - Aerial view at ACMA.
June 2020 - Looking into the commons area and second floor level at ACMA.
June 2020 - New masonry and tie-in to the Performing Arts Center (PAC) at ACMA.
June 2020 - Second floor hall looking at dance rooms and the commons at ACMA.
May 2020 - Classroom framing and wall blocking for equipment - such a future markerboards - being installed at ACMA.
May 2020 - View into the commons area with interior stairs visible at ACMA.
May 2020 - Interior door frames getting installed at ACMA.
May 2020 - Aerial view looking northwest. The roofing phase making progress at ACMA.
May 2020 - Aerial looking south at ACMA.
March/April 2020 - Looking up at the underside of the roof, ductwork seen being installed for the second level at ACMA.
March/April 2020 - Exterior framing continuing, with some seismic bracing visible, on the west side of ACMA.
March/April 2020 - Weatherproof sheathing being installed on the outside of the main entrance at ACMA.
March/April 2020 - Footing drains installed to take groundwater away from the foundation - looking in to the Principal’s new office - at ACMA.
March/April 2020 - Off-site safety and visibility improvements along SW 113th Ave include installation of energy-efficient LED street light poles at the ACMA site.
March/April 2020 - Aerial of the ACMA site looking northwest. Roof insulation (white boxes) and curbs for skylights and HVAC equipment (brown boxes) getting ready for roofing phase.
February 2020 - Science wing and upper classrooms. Seismic braces - diagonal steel - can be seen at ACMA.
February 2020 - Ductwork over the music wing with a ramp to the Performing Arts Center (PAC) entrance at ACMA.
February 2020 - View into the commons area on the ground floor at ACMA.
February 2020 - Stacks of metal decking over trusses at ACMA.
February 2020 - Plumber hanging copper waterlines in the kitchen area at ACMA.
December 2019/January 2020 - Aerial before steel installation with the Performing Arts Center (PAC) visible at ACMA.
December 2019/January 2020 - Preparation for final slab in the "to-be" science wing (north end) at ACMA.
December 2019/January 2020 - Welding seismic brace frames and trusses, looking east from the "to-be" kitchen area at ACMA.
December 2019/January 2020 - Installing steel and placing slab in commons and east classrooms at ACMA.
December 2019/January 2020 - Installing steel in the music wing and administration offices (south end) at ACMA.
November 2019 - Workers installing underground detention system at ACMA.
November 2019 - Aerial looking south at new ACMA.
November 2019 - Aerial looking southwest at ACMA site.
November 2019 - Trusses and steel decking arrive onsite at ACMA.
November 2019 - View of stem walls ready for drain mat at ACMA.
October 2019 - Aerial of the new ACMA site - Performing Arts Center (PAC) looking north.
October 2019 - Aerial of the new ACMA site - looking south.
October 2019 - Aerial of the new ACMA site - placing footings.
October 2019 - Aerial of the new ACMA site - framing footings looking south.
October 2019 - Aerial of the new ACMA site - infill of old basement area.
September 2019 - Groundbreaking ceremony at the ACMA site.
September 2019 - Groundbreaking ceremony at the ACMA site.
September 2019 - Groundbreaking ceremony at the Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA) construction site.
September 2019 - Aerial view of the ACMA construction site.
September 2019 - Site preparation begins at the ACMA site.
August 2019 - Clearing the ACMA building site.
August 2019 - ACMA building demolition underway.
August 2019 - Aerial view of ACMA building demolition.
July 2019 - Removal of portables at ACMA.
July 2019 - The eastern parking lot before demolition at ACMA.
July 2019 - Aerial view at ACMA.
29 Classrooms + 2 Additional Teaching Spaces
Natural Light & Fresh Air
Abundant natural light and constant fresh outside air to all classrooms
Seismic Reinforcement
Enhanced Security
Building is a learning tool
Solar Panels
Generate 137 kW of power
State of the Art HVAC Systems
Learning Technology
Adaptable, flexible spaces
The Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA) will undergo replacement of the main building and the addition of new facilities, including new classrooms, cafeteria, kitchen and associated site improvements. Visitor parking will be expanded and re-arranged for safety and efficiency. Portables will be removed and capacity increased to 725.
The existing performing arts building will be retained and incorporated into the replacement building's new 75,000 s.f., two-story design. During reconstruction, ACMA students and staff will relocate to the "swing" school at the new middle school on 118th during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years. ACMA will open September 2021.
ACMA New Construction FAQ
In order to address concerns that have been raised by some staff, parents, and students, we are providing this FAQ to provide clarity regarding the process and scope for construction of the new ACMA building and campus.
First, Principal Bjorn Paige has prepared an excellent presentation that compares the existing building to what will be delivered in this project. He also addresses several of the issues discussed below. This presentation was shared with ACMA parents during a March 5, 2019 information night. It is available here: ACMA New Construction Overview
- Why are there no student lockers in the design?
- Why has the budget for the project changed?
- What is the project scope and has it changed?
- Does the new building have room for future expansion of the student population and new programs?
- Has the project scope been reduced due to budget?
- Why do some teachers not have dedicated classrooms?
- What involvement did the ACMA staff have in project development?
- What is the timeline for the project? Would increasing the size of the building affect the timeline?